
Planning to visit Amsterdam?
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The Real Amsterdammer

Amsterdam is hip, Amsterdam is beautiful and Amsterdam is a little bit naughty, too. This combination seems to have enormous appeal for the many visitors to the city, both tourists and (potential) residents. Everyone likes to pretend they know everything there is to know about Amsterdam, but a genuine Amsterdammer always rings true! Do any of the points below relate to you? Congratulations! You have earned the right to call yourself a true Amsterdammer!

Biking in Amsterdam
A true Amsterdammer goes everywhere by bike!

1. You can’t live without your bike; the true Amsterdammer’s chosen method of transportation. When it rains, you simply slip on a cool-looking waterproof jacket. That way, everyone can immediately tell you are a genuine local. Do you have children? No problem, you simply use a cargo bike!

2. You always cross the street when the traffic light is red, or a tram, car, bicycle or scooter are approaching. It is only natural that they wait so that you can continue on your journey.


City Attractions in Amsterdam
Crowds of tourists are of course very annoying, yet an Amsterdammer completely understands the attraction of the city.



3. You complain non-stop about the hordes of tourists and students who walk like headless chickens throughout the city, but at the same time you find it incredibly flattering that so many people come to visit your beautiful city.

4. Dry humour comes naturally to you. You are never scared to say exactly what you are thinking and know how to share your less positive opinions in a humorous way. You can get away with anything with a smile on your face.


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