Sometimes, when it comes to visiting foreign country, you really just want to enjoy it alone. For the loner type, this usually means being able to walk around the city or the country without worrying about having other people to judge your choices, whether it’s about food, or clothing, or where you’re going to go next. Loners will also usually just get around places on their own, without the pressure of having to give another thought to someone else (who probably won’t care about what you want, anyway).
The other option is to travel with your pet or animal companion. This option will somehow serve as the middle ground between not being alone, and not having to deal with annoying, insensitive travel companions. Being on a foreign country or city with your pet will allow you to make more memories together, as well as give yourself just the right amount of freedom that you need. (Tip: pets also make great conversation starters, so let your baby work its magic on that attractive stranger.)
When traveling with your pet, though, there are several things you need to remember. It’s good to be paying attention to these details, because they are very likely to come in handy when it’s time to travel the world with your little ball of fur and fun.

Knowing the conditions and requirements of the Netherlands when it comes to traveling with your animal companion is very important.
As an example, there are different guidelines for you to remember if you’re traveling with a dog or a cat, and if you happen to be traveling with a small rodent or an amphibian. For the former, there is an age requirement (at least 15 weeks old) and an anti-rabies vaccination requirement, and for the latter, there is a health certificate requirement, as well as additional effort to make sure that the animal you’re bringing with you is not an Endangered Species.
Getting a pet passport is another key requirement.
In addition to the aforementioned paperwork, your pet also needs a passport. It is recommended that you allow at least a 6-9 month waiting period to arrange for your pet paperwork. Dogs, cats and ferrets travelling abroad with their owners from other EU member states must have an EU ‘pet passport’ (EU-dierenpaspoort) from the vet in their country of origin.

Let your airline know in advance.
It pays to be honest and upfront in everything, and it applies to bringing your pets onboard, too. There are some airlines that will tell you in advance which animals are allowable onboard and which aren’t. Thus, you need to make sure to call your airline in advance of travelling with a pet. Airlines have strict weight limitations and temperature restrictions that may endanger or cause discomfort to your animal therefore it’s suggested to check in advance.
Worry not; pet services abound in Amsterdam.
You might be thinking: “what if my baby gets sick there? Who will take care of her?” Here’s a piece of information to comfort you: the Netherlands has a wide network of animal hospitals and vets. Aside from offering facitilities for setting up appointments, there are also many vets that offer a special drop-in time, which means you can stop by unannounced for advice or in an emergency. (They call this the spreekuur). As for health check-ups, your vet will keep you regularly informed with updates.
So yes, if you’re thinking of bringing your furry (or not furry) friend to Amsterdam, think no longer. Be meticulous and patient with the paperwork, and you’re well on your way.
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